Technical Management Trainee

Lviv Ukraine

3 months ago

Years of Experience

1 years

Workplace Type


Seniority Type



Food Production

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EngineeringIdentifying Root CausesCompany PoliciesContinuous ImprovementEnglish

Contact our TA to know more about the job

Tetiana Malieieva

Talent Advocate at WhiteCrow


About our client

Our Client operates in the Food and Beverage Manufacturing Industry, with its headquarters rooted strongly in the United States. It has its branches spread to more than 70 countries, providing employment to more than 1,60,000 people all over the world. They fall in the Top 10 Largest Agricultural Companies in the World 2020. Their core business is to connect producers and users with agricultural needs, around the world, and also offer risk management solutions and other services for farmers.

Job description


  • The Technical Management Trainee role offers a unique opportunity to unlock your full potential and enhance technical through
  • leading or participating in continuous improvement projects in an operations environment, taking ownership for a significant piece of the production process and for the people that make it happen, engaging in the safety and food safety in our operations and joining actively
  • Understanding technical tools, software, and platforms used within the company.
  • Gaining familiarity with company policies, procedures, and best practices in technical management.
  • Tracking project progress and preparing reports on milestones and outcomes.
  • Analyzing technical challenges, identifying root causes, and offering solutions.


  • Experience various plant functions and/or teams 
  • Collaborate on projects with other trainees 
  • Participate in regular networking sessions with managers and peer groups 
  • Benefit from individual and group coaching from current or former trainees 
  • Participate in a highly engaging in-person Summit twice a year where you will interact with senior leaders and join learning sessions and personal development workshops 
  • Be rewarded with a competitive salary and benefits 

Required Qualifications :

  • Bachelor or Master’s degree in Engineering (Biochemistry, Chemical, Process, Agricultural, Food Science, or Mechanical) 
  • Up to two years of professional experience (including Internship experience) 
  • High integrity and ethical standards 
  • Fluency in English and local language 
  • Interest and flexibility to travel 

Preferred Qualifications 

  • Natural leadership ability, motivation and initiative 
  • Interest to work in multi-cultural and multi-functional teams 
  • Curiosity to learn and create new ways of building and improving systems and processes 
  • Strong analytical skills and ability to proactively identify and resolve problems 
  • Confirmed experience in prioritizing work 
  • Adaptability to handle changing situations 

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Contact our TA to know more about the job

Tetiana Malieieva

Talent Advocate at WhiteCrow

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