Team Leader Engineering

Penang Malaysia

6 months ago

Years of Experience

7 - 15 years

Workplace Type


Seniority Type




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Vacuum ValvesVacuum PumpsSemiconductorsDeveloping ProductsCustomer ApplicationVacuum EngineeringCustomer Relationship Management

Contact our TA to know more about the job

Neelam Yadav

Talent Advocate at WhiteCrow


About our client

Our Client operates in the Semiconductor Manufacturing Industry, with its headquarters rooted strongly in Switzerland. It has its branches spread to more than 29 countries, providing employment to more than 2,000 people all over the world. Their core business is to develop and manufacture Vacuum Valves and other products related to it.

Job description


  • Manage day to day team activities of key account focused FAE(Field Application Engineer) team in the FAE US department 
  • Manage all HR topics of the team 
  • Train new team members in their role as key account focused FAEs 
  • Advise and guide team members on key account specific business and technical details 
  • Provide FAE US internal second level support for key account escalations 
  •  Develop implementation strategies for account specific key elements of technology and product roadmaps.
  • Condense key account FAE feedback into technology and product roadmaps and project pipelines in order to provide a unified voice to the BUs and Corporate R&D.
  • Integrate IDM focused global FAE input and feedback into key account NPI activities, escalation handling, product improvement projects, and product roadmap development
  • Contribute team input and customer application knowledge to local and global reporting through Account Team meetings, local company meetings, QBRs, TRMs, Competence Centers, Account Summits, Global Sales Meetings 
  • Cover team member substitution tasks 
  • Cover Engineering Manager substitution tasks 


  • Solid experience in vacuum engineering, preferably in the SEMI / Display / Solar industries.
  • Extensive exposure to developing products on system or sub-system level preferable in SEMI / Display / Solar industries.
  • University degree in Physics, Chemistry, Microelectronics, Mechanical, Electrical, or Semiconductor related engineering disciplines.
  • Min 7 years experience in vacuum engineering.
  • Affinity for people management and desire to care for individual team members and the whole team.
  • Good communication skills (verbal and written).
  • Awareness of on-time delivery, quality, and meeting commitments.
  • Technical skills in the field of customer processes, valve applications, and / or platforms.
  • Fluent in English (verbal and written) for communication with customers
  • Ability to work in a global matrix organization.

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Contact our TA to know more about the job

Neelam Yadav

Talent Advocate at WhiteCrow

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