SuccessFactors Applications Development Specialist

Atlanta United States

5 months ago

Years of Experience

5 - 15 years

Workplace Type


Seniority Type



Food Production

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Sap ImplementationStakeholder ManagementDesign PrototypesUser RequirementsSap Successfactors

Contact our TA to know more about the job

Hemal Bhanushali

Talent Advocate at WhiteCrow


About our client

Our Client operates in the Food and Beverage Manufacturing Industry, with its headquarters rooted strongly in the United States. It has its branches spread to more than 70 countries, providing employment to more than 1,60,000 people all over the world. They fall in the Top 10 Largest Agricultural Companies in the World 2020. Their core business is to connect producers and users with agricultural needs, around the world, and also offer risk management solutions and other services for farmers.

Job description


  • Configure SuccessFactors Platform module to solve complex problems within defined deadlines.
  • Design prototypes, implement and test configurations and troubleshoot software applications.
  • Analyze organizational needs, end user requirements and requests and existing software structures to identify and create new features that will increase efficiency and optimize
  • functionality.
  • Perform tests to determine usability and catch defects before releasing the application toother internal users.
  • Systemize and coordinate upgrades and updates to minimize downtime, allow for continuous integration and ensure the highest priority issues are being addressed.
  • Provide subject matter expertise to design and build models and implement new application functionality that aligns with overall corporate objectives.
  • Collaborate with end users to assess system performance, acquire feedback and identify areas where improvements are necessary and incorporate user feedback into forthcoming
  • initiatives to guarantee an optimal user experience.
  • Independently handle complex issues with minimal supervision, while escalating only the most complex issues to appropriate staff.
  • Collaborate with IT teams to manage integrations between SuccessFactors and other HR systems or third-party applications.
  • Other duties as assigned


  • Bachelor’s degree in a related field or equivalent experience
  • Certification in SuccessFactors Platform
  • Demonstrated understanding of software design and principles
  • Experience in designing and building modern SF platform experiences including mobile and security.
  • Minimum of four years of related work experience
  • Other minimum qualifications may apply

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Contact our TA to know more about the job

Hemal Bhanushali

Talent Advocate at WhiteCrow

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