
Dammam Saudi Arabia

2 years ago

Years of Experience

5 - 10 years

Workplace Type


Seniority Type



Oil & Energy

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manage officeadministrative assistanceshorthandadministrationtypingpersonal secretary

Contact our TA to know more about the job

Pooja Menon

Talent Advocate at WhiteCrow


About our client

Our Client operates in the Oil and Energy industry, with its headquarters rooted strongly in Saudi Arabia. It has its branches spread to more than 50 countries, providing employment to more than 68,500 people all over the world. They fall under the Fortune 500 Companies. They are one of the world’s largest oil producers. They are constantly growing by creating new technologies through its Research and Development efforts and branch into new business lines through Investments and Acquisitions.

Job description


  • Complex diary/calendar management. 
  • Organizing travel itineraries, visa applications and handling expenses. 
  • Meeting facilitation including minute taking and composing agendas. 
  • Performing highly confidential administrative duties. 
  • Composition, editing and review of confidential correspondence. 
  • Compilation of statistical information, reports and presentations. 
  • Office manager and other secretarial duties as required.


  • You will require a minimum of five (5) years solid and continuous experience as a professional secretary or personal assistant
  • Providing outstanding high level support. You will be highly adaptable and possess excellent typing skills (at a minimum of 55 wpm). 
  • Shorthand desirable but not essential.
  • You will combine excellent written and oral English with attention to detail, initiative and the ability to thrive under pressure.
  • In addition you will be fully conversant with Microsoft Office applications (such as Word™, Excel™ and PowerPoint™).
  • Confidentiality, tact and diplomacy are essential.

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Contact our TA to know more about the job

Pooja Menon

Talent Advocate at WhiteCrow

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