Reliability Technician

Chestnut Ridge United States

7 months ago

Years of Experience

7 - 15 years

Workplace Type


Seniority Type




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TroubleshootingEquipment MaintenanceTechnical DrawingsBuilding MaintenanceControl PrecisionPurified Water SystemsHVACDust Collection Systems

Contact our TA to know more about the job

Shamia Pawaskar

Talent Advocate at WhiteCrow


About our client

Our client is a leading Indian pharmaceutical company, headquartered in Bengaluru and a footprint across 100 countries. The company manufactures pharmaceutical products, over-the-counter drugs, and nutraceuticals. They operate two business verticals, Regulated Markets and Emerging Markets. Their manufacturing footprint covers 8 manufacturing facilities in 4 continents, including 5 US FDA approved facilities and a dedicated R&D facility in India with global filing capabilities.

The company partners with generic companies in US and Canada, to supply retail and hospital generics in injectable products and soft gels. In European markets, it has long-term relationships for the development of projects and supply agreements. In Australia and New Zealand, the company is engaged in manufacturing and supply of soft gels and value-added manufacturing.

Job description


  • The Technician III, Reliability performs facility reliability maintenance activities in accordance with approved procedures requiring limited supervision. 
  • Proficient at analyzing and troubleshooting the root cause of facility, manufacturing and packaging equipment problems. 
  • Implements effective preventive and/or corrective maintenance repairs to provide increased reliability. 
  • Identifies maintenance improvements that increase efficiency, throughput, and quality. May train others in setting up equipment. 
  • Identifies and solves complex problems. Understands the practical application to problems and situations ordinarily encountered and makes decisions that require choosing from several options.


May be required to be proficient in troubleshooting & repair in 4 or more of the following areas:

  • Electrical
  • Hydraulics
  • Pneumatics
  • Mechanical
  • PLC's

Proficient in following areas:

  • Ability to read and follow blueprints and engineered drawings.
  • Ability to use theBMS (Bldg. Management System) for HVAC

Specialized in at least 4 of the following 5 areas:

  • Utility – purified water systems, compressed air, boiler, chilled water, electrical distribution, product dust collection systems.
  • Building Maintenance – sewers, electronic card readers (when applicable), lighting.
  • Fire suppression systems.
  • HVAC competence and certification, as required.
  • General building & grounds maintenance.Basic math, writing skills, problem solving.
  • Basic computer skills.
  • Ability to use hand tools.
  • Control Precision - ability to quickly and repeatedly adjust the controls of a machine to exact positions.
  • Basic math, writing skills, problem solving.

Education & Experience:

  • A High School Diploma or equivalent is required.
  • Level 3 Tech
  • Seven years related experience and certification in assigned area(s), as required.
  • ACCP-Level II Certification or equivalent experience

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Contact our TA to know more about the job

Shamia Pawaskar

Talent Advocate at WhiteCrow

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