Refinery Planning Economist

Dhahran Saudi Arabia

2 years ago

Years of Experience

4 - 8 years

Workplace Type


Seniority Type



Oil & Energy

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Commercial OptimizationRefinery OperationsTechnical AssistanceLenear ProgrammingCrude RankingRefining

Contact our TA to know more about the job

Ramanand Semwal

Talent Advocate at WhiteCrow


About our client

Our Client operates in the Oil and Energy industry, with its headquarters rooted strongly in Saudi Arabia. It has its branches spread to more than 50 countries, providing employment to more than 68,500 people all over the world. They fall under the Fortune 500 Companies. They are one of the world’s largest oil producers. They are constantly growing by creating new technologies through its Research and Development efforts and branch into new business lines through Investments and Acquisitions.

Job description

Role Description:

  • The Asset Optimization Division’s charter is to optimize crude allocation and the operations of global manufacturing facilities in order to maximize revenue, increase profitability, and capture international market opportunities.
  • The division also acts as the linear programming (LP) gatekeeper for wholly owned refineries and the integrated global MPIMS model, which is used for optimizing global crude allocation and exploration of new international markets and integration options.
  • The Asset Economist works with refineries, Company's Trading Company (ATC) and the Global Optimizer team to optimize refinery’s crude allocation, crude mix, and products slates.
  • With expertise in refinery operations, market dynamics, commercial capabilities, and linear programming modelling, will produce a sound plan to help ensure the highest returns of Company’s downstream assets; and is also accountable to develop, monitor and execute the monthly short operating plan.


  • Drive commercial optimization at the local LP runs at the individual refinery.
  • Responsible to generate crude relative values and crude ranking.
  • Provide both market and refinery operations outlook for yearly business plan.
  • Provide monthly major constraints impact on asset for logistic unit performance and investment requirements needed.
  • Review and challenge constraints to the individual LPs of each refinery (potentially run limited constraint model to create the baseline for ideal LP output).
  • Coordinate with ATC to reflect Saudi Company’s market perspective on the individual Refinery LPs.
  • Create sensitivities, trade-offs and scenarios for each of the individual LPs.
  • Work with other asset economists within the same region to consolidate the LPs of refineries within the same region and explore optimization opportunities.
  • Defend refinery interest during trade-off evaluations (after the central optimization team issues LP differentials) while keeping integrated optimization objective in mind.
  • Provide both market and refinery operations outlook for yearly business plan.
  • Coordinate with the refineries, ATC and the central Optimization team (and potentially other stakeholders) to execute short-term (within the production month) optimization opportunities.
  • Identify, assess and review strategic and commercial viability of potential identified investment opportunities to improve overall viability of the system.


  • B.S. degree in Engineering discipline, an MBA is preferable.
  • At least eight years’ experience in refining business, to include technical and commercial aspects.
  • Experience using LP models is preferred.
  • Thorough knowledge of engineering practices, economic principles and calculation methods.
  • Expert in international business and cross-cultural professional practices.

Working Environment:

  • Our high-performing employees are drawn by the challenging and rewarding professional, technical and industrial opportunities we offer, and are remunerated accordingly.
  • At company, our people work on truly world-scale projects, supported by investment in capital and technology that is second to none. And because, as a global energy company, we are faced with addressing some of the world’s biggest technical, logistical and environmental challenges, we invest heavily in talent development.
  • We have a proud history of educating and training our workforce over many decades. Employees at all levels are encouraged to improve their sector-specific knowledge and competencies through our workforce development programs – one of the largest in the world.

Country/Region: SA

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Contact our TA to know more about the job

Ramanand Semwal

Talent Advocate at WhiteCrow

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