R&D Product Development Engineer

Suzhou China

2 months ago

Years of Experience

5 - 10 years

Workplace Type


Seniority Type



Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing

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Connector FundamentalsProduct DevelopmentGD&TMechanical DesignInjection Molding

Contact our TA to know more about the job

Rashi Modi

Talent Advocate at WhiteCrow


About our client

For more than 80 years, our client’s engineers and product specialists have partnered with customers to produce highly engineered connectivity and sensing solutions that make a connected world possible. Their focus on reliability, durability, and sustainability exemplifies their commitment to progress. The unmatched range of their product portfolio enables companies, large and small, to turn ideas into technology that can transform how the world works and lives tomorrow.

Job description


  • Technical communication to customer, confirm customer application and technical requirement.
  • Translate customer’s requirement into engineering specification and provide new product design solution in time.
  • Responsible for part list/BOM building, 3D models and 2D drawings, GD&T, product specifications, application specifications, DFMEA, DVPR, SC/CC list etc.
  • Lead the design review for compliance with engineering principles, high voltage standards, customer contract requirements, verification and related specifications.
  • Lead design review with cross functional teams to confirm the manufacturing and quality control feasibility.
  • Leads DV/PV test, responsible for resolving product design and test problems.
  • Responsible for FAI review, work with project team to release product in time.
  • Interacts with customers, vendors, marketing and sales personnel, and other engineering areas during the pre-production stages of new products.


  • Bachelor level degree majored in Engineering, or above;
  • More than 5 years mechanical design experience in Automotive industry. Independently new product development experience is plus.
  • Knowledge of connector fundamentals, capable of connector component design, 
  • Familiar with GD&T, mechanics of plastic/metal materials, and basic knowledge in injection molding, stamping.
  • Familiar with automotive product development, automotive products development process like APQP and PPAP.
  • Skilled in at least one 3D Software: Creo or Pro/E or Catia or UG. Mastery of office software such as Word, Excel, PPT, etc.
  • Proficient in writing and reading English. Good Oral English is plus.
  • Good communication skills, High team work spirit and team work experience, ability to work with multicultural engineering teams and cross functional environments.
  • Effective problem solving skills, to be innovative, willingness/ability to deal with multiple product and assigned tasks.

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Contact our TA to know more about the job

Rashi Modi

Talent Advocate at WhiteCrow

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