Process Quality Manager

Suzhou China

13 days ago

Years of Experience

5 - 10 years

Workplace Type


Seniority Type



Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing

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Statistical Process ControlTroubleshootingDecision MakingAuditing and ComplianceProject Management Skills

Contact our TA to know more about the job

Rashi Modi

Talent Advocate at WhiteCrow


About our client

For more than 80 years, our client’s engineers and product specialists have partnered with customers to produce highly engineered connectivity and sensing solutions that make a connected world possible. Their focus on reliability, durability, and sustainability exemplifies their commitment to progress. The unmatched range of their product portfolio enables companies, large and small, to turn ideas into technology that can transform how the world works and lives tomorrow.

Job description


Goal Setting

  • Production area Key performance setting base on Quality strategy
  • To let each engineer clear understand own KPI and dedicate to quality improvement toward to corporate strategy

Customer Complaint handling

  • Review 8D report, monitor customer complaint quantity, response time, 8D score, and improvement effectiveness.
  • To improve customer satisfaction and compliance the strategy to ECE

COPQ Reduction

  • Direct and support to analysis the production data, find the quality improvement opportunity and lead team to determine the actions, follow up and verify the improvement result, take
  • reaction base on the actual result.
  • To control scrap cost and continue improvement process quality to contribute cost saving.


  • Review historical data to identify CIP projects, and follow up the progress.
  • To continual reduce COPQ and prevent customer complaint as well as efficiency improvement.

Audit supports

  • Coordinate and support external and internal audits, communicate about audit findings and lead the corrective actions where appropriate to ensure that audits are completed in a timely
  • manner

People Management

  • Allocate work across direct reports; monitor and review their performance; mentor, coach and motivate them; and help resolve people/functional issues to achieve the targeted team
  • performance and retain talent

Lesson learn

  • Share experience with team to prevent potential quality risk.



  • Bachelor degree or above in Mechanical, Electronics or relevant 

Qualification & Certification:

  • APQP, PPAP, FMEA, SPC, MSA certification;


  • More than 5 years of working experience in quality process management, Automotive experience must be. 

Technical Skill & Competencies:

  • Master APQP, PPAP, FMEA, SPC, MSA,8D. 
  • Process audit and product audit skills
  • Familiar with ISO9001, IATF16949
  • Familiar with 8D method
  • Familiar with special characteristic symbol requirements
  • Proficient in written and oral English
  • Good communication skill, integrity, accountability, logical, self-motivated, ability to work under pressure
  • Good interpersonal skill

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Contact our TA to know more about the job

Rashi Modi

Talent Advocate at WhiteCrow

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