Dhahran Saudi Arabia
2 months ago
Want to know how much a Personal Assistant make in Dhahran Saudi Arabia?
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Neil Wilkie
Our Client operates in the Oil and Energy industry, with its headquarters rooted strongly in Saudi Arabia. It has its branches spread to more than 50 countries, providing employment to more than 68,500 people all over the world. They fall under the Fortune 500 Companies. They are one of the world’s largest oil producers. They are constantly growing by creating new technologies through its Research and Development efforts and branch into new business lines through Investments and Acquisitions.
Do you have a keen attention to detail and desire to be a part of a prosperous and dynamic industry?
If so, you could be working for the world’s largest company and be based from their HQ in Dhahran, an hour’s drive from Bahrain and a 1 hour flight from Dubai.
Our client is currently seeking a high calibre Personal Assistant to support high profile stakeholders and facilitate growth across their organisation. Aramco believe they owe their success to their people and processes; your role will be the supportive force behind both.
You will have opportunities to join one of their hiring organisations within Operations, Upstream or Downstream, or across service organizations such as HR, Finance, Law, Technology and many more.
Your primary role will be to provide support to ensure the efficient operation of the office you are assigned to.
Some highlights of what this opportunity would include:
• Tax-Free income: All your hard-earned money in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia is completely tax free.
• Attractive perks: Our client is committed to ensuring a smooth transition offering relocation fees, heavily subsidized housing, and food is all covered as part of the package.
• Location: Saudi Arabia is undergoing significant transformation and modernisation, creating a more cosmopolitan environment to attract the world’s best talent
The role will be responsible for things like diary management, handling travel/accommodation bookings, and making a crucial impact on the company's seamless operations.
If you’re interested in finding more about this role, click on the apply button.
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Neil Wilkie
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