Payroll Analyst

Batangas Philippines

a month ago

Years of Experience

8 - 16 years

Workplace Type


Seniority Type



Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing

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International EnterprisesTaxPayrollData ManagementCompany PoliciesEnsure AccuracyAction Plan

Contact our TA to know more about the job

Supratik Mukherjee

Talent Advocate at WhiteCrow


About our client

For more than 80 years, our client’s engineers and product specialists have partnered with customers to produce highly engineered connectivity and sensing solutions that make a connected world possible. Their focus on reliability, durability, and sustainability exemplifies their commitment to progress. The unmatched range of their product portfolio enables companies, large and small, to turn ideas into technology that can transform how the world works and lives tomorrow.

Job description


  • Provide effective and efficient on-site Payroll service ,contribute in company Philippine payroll and related programs (eg. tax, insurance, labor cost report, benefit programs) processing within established budgets, principles and regulations, laws and employment standards , manage the accurate and timely processing of payroll related activities. 
  • Work with plant operations and T&A colleague to ensure time & attendance data smoothly flow into payroll process and ensure payroll accuracy 
  • Responsible to employee’s query about payroll 
  • Responsible to payroll related files documentation and ensure meet audit requirement 
  • Act as advisor to business on country policies, local regulations and company policies, keep abreast of all Payroll regulatory related issues, foresee potential risk vs current practice and raise for discussion, drive for risk elimination to ensure compliance 
  • Support HRBP to develop site pay policy/procedures
  • Responsible for audits and ensure accuracy and data integrity, implement related action plan as audit needs 
  • Continuously review and enhance payroll processes/programs and implement improvement, manage global or regional payroll integration or harmonization program, promote global or regional payroll system at site and ensure the adoption rate .
  • Provide on-site HR services operations assigned by manager.


  • Bachelor’s degree, human resources education or equivalent 
  • 7 years progressive payroll experience as independent Payroll Analyst 
  • Familiarity with PH agencies such as SSS, PhilHealth, and Pag-ibig, as well as tax regulations (BIR).
  • Working experience in international enterprise 
  • Good knowledge of country and local Payroll laws 
  • Breadth of experience in Payroll disciplines, including data management, metrics and measurement 
  • Proficient in MS Office (incl. Word, Excel and PowerPoint) 
  • Experience with tax systems and reporting 
  • Good service mindset and collaboration spirit 
  • Experience with time and attendance systems preferred

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Contact our TA to know more about the job

Supratik Mukherjee

Talent Advocate at WhiteCrow

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