Manager, Platform Engineer

Atlanta United States

4 days ago

Years of Experience

5 - 10 years

Workplace Type


Seniority Type



Food Production

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pythonIntegrationJavaJavaScriptServiceNowQuality AssuranceProject Management

Contact our TA to know more about the job

Hemal Bhanushali

Talent Advocate at WhiteCrow


About our client

Our Client operates in the Food and Beverage Manufacturing Industry, with its headquarters rooted strongly in the United States. It has its branches spread to more than 70 countries, providing employment to more than 1,60,000 people all over the world. They fall in the Top 10 Largest Agricultural Companies in the World 2020. Their core business is to connect producers and users with agricultural needs, around the world, and also offer risk management solutions and other services for farmers.

Job description


  • The Manager, Platform Engineering job sets goals and objectives for the achievement of operational results for the team responsible for designing, developing and maintaining digital technology infrastructure to support information technology applications and services. This job oversees the delivery against project planning and prioritization, coordinates collaboration with cross functional teams, and allocates resources effectively and efficiently.
  • The job also leads the team to implement best in class industry standards to continuously improve the development process 
  • PROJECT MANAGEMENT: Oversees the implementation and delivery of software projects, including resource allocation, to ensure they are completed on time and within scope.
  • TECHNICAL GUIDANCE: Leads the team to apply internal software deployment platform, continuous integration or continuous delivery pipeline and twelve factor development methodology to automate the deployment process, ensuring smooth and reliable releases.
  • QUALITY ASSURANCE: Leads rigorous testing, code reviews, and adherence to best in class industry standards to ensure the quality and performance of software applications. 
  • PROCESS IMPROVEMENT: Suggests continuous improvement initiatives and leads the implementation of approved standards to improve software development and deployment processes and operational excellence, applying test driven development as needed.
  • COLLABORATION: Coordinates collaboration with product managers, designers and other cross functional teams to gather requirements, set priorities and deliver resolutions to meet business objectives.
  • DOCUMENTATION: Leads and reviews the creation and maintenance of comprehensive documentation for software applications, deployment processes and system configurations.
  • TECHNICAL SUPPORT: Leads technical support and troubleshooting for deployed applications for minimal downtime and fast resolution of issues.
  • STAKEHOLDER MANAGEMENT: Maintains partnership with key internal and external stakeholders, understanding their needs and enabling effective communication to assure project alignment and success.
  • TEAM MANAGEMENT: Manages team members to achieve the organization's goals, by ensuring productivity, communicating performance expectations, creating goal alignment, giving and seeking feedback, providing coaching, measuring progress and holding people accountable, supporting employee development, recognizing achievement and lessons learned, and developing enabling conditions for talent to thrive in an inclusive team culture.


  • Minimum requirement of 4 years of relevant work experience.
  • Typically reflects 5 years or more of relevant experience.
  • Supervisor experience in software engineering.

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Contact our TA to know more about the job

Hemal Bhanushali

Talent Advocate at WhiteCrow

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