Logistics Analyst

Suzhou China

2 days ago

Years of Experience

3 years

Workplace Type


Seniority Type



Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing

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Distribute ReportsAccounts PayableInvestigatingResolvingLogistics SoftwareAccounting

Contact our TA to know more about the job

Rashi Modi

Talent Advocate at WhiteCrow


About our client

For more than 80 years, our client’s engineers and product specialists have partnered with customers to produce highly engineered connectivity and sensing solutions that make a connected world possible. Their focus on reliability, durability, and sustainability exemplifies their commitment to progress. The unmatched range of their product portfolio enables companies, large and small, to turn ideas into technology that can transform how the world works and lives tomorrow.

Job description


  • Process freight invoices for payment. Investigating and resolving freight invoices that are on hold for review. 
  • Ensure transportation carriers are paid within established payment terms.
  • Audit rates and freight invoices for accuracy. Ensure systems are updated with missing and incorrect information. 
  • Interface with transportation providers and company Transportation Associates to resolve invoice discrepancies and communicate payment details.
  • Run and distribute reports as required. Need to be MIS report savvy with understanding of all latest tools.
  • Support all financial audit request related to internal and external audit of freight payments. 
  • Ensure to monitor & work on open accruals & thereby ensuring aging between accruals vs invoice postings is kept to 30days or less.
  • Drive, monitor & track the hard copies against the transaction entries in SAP with an objective to ensure on-time payment.
  • Involve in VAS handling validation & be primary face of contact for carriers. Proactively drive & address all open issues/queries in an organized manner.
  • Initiate & drive process improvements by standardizing & defining the process.
  • Work in testing and give feedback.
  • Support on Project related queries & be backup to project team member


  • Bachelor’s Degree in Logistics or Finance related 
  • 0-3 years relevant experience in logistics or accounting related activities in product/manufacturing/ Shared Services. 
  • Knowledge of accounts payable functions and procedures.
  • Expertise on advanced excel & other Microsoft tools.
  • Special Qualifications, Knowledge & Skills
  • Familiarity with electronic invoicing.
  • Prior experience with transportation / logistics software a plus
  • Strong Documenting knowledge backed up with analytical skills.
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills
  • Language requirement: English

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Contact our TA to know more about the job

Rashi Modi

Talent Advocate at WhiteCrow

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