Java Backend Engineer

Mexico City Mexico

4 months ago

Years of Experience

4 - 16 years

Workplace Type


Seniority Type



Financial Services

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JavaReactSpringJavascriptTypeScriptAngular (2.0+)MicroservicesHibernate

Contact our TA to know more about the job

Payal Kapoor

Talent Advocate at WhiteCrow


About our client

Our client is a global asset manager and technology provider dedicated to helping people experience financial well-being. They assist millions in investing to build savings that serve them throughout their lives. By always prioritizing their clients’ needs, they strive to offer more quality choices for how and where to invest.

Their global investment platform provides clients with access to world markets, making investing easier and more affordable. With offices in over 40 countries, their global expertise helps clients navigate changing markets and stay ahead of the curve.

Job description


  • Collaborate with team, high availability, concurrent and fault tolerant software systems.
  • Significantly contribute to development of Aladdin’s global, multi-asset trading platform.
  • Work with product management and business users to define the roadmap for the product.
  • Design and develop innovative solutions to complex problems, identifying issues and roadblocks.
  • Apply validated quality software engineering practices through all phases of development.
  • Ensure resilience and stability through quality code reviews, unit, regression and user acceptance testing, dev ops and level two production support.
  • Be a leader with vision and a partner in brainstorming solutions for team productivity, efficiency, guiding and motivating others.
  • Drive a strong culture by bringing principles of inclusion and diversity to the team and setting the tone through specific recruiting, management actions and employee engagement.
  • For VP Level: In addition to above, a VP level candidate should be able to lead individual projects priorities, deadlines and deliverables using AGILE methodologies.



  • B.S. / M.S. degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or a related subject area
  • For VP Level: 8+ years of proven experience
  • For Associate Level: 4+ years of experience

Skills and Experience:

  • A proven foundation in core Java and related technologies, with OO skills and design patterns
  • Track record building high quality software with design-focused and test-driven approaches
  • Good hands-on object-oriented programming knowledge in Java, Spring, TypeScript, JavaScript, Microservices, Angular (2.0+), React.
  • Strong knowledge of Open-Source technology stack (Spring, Hibernate, Maven, JUnit, etc.).
  • Experience with relational database and/or NoSQL Database (e.g., Apache Cassandra)
  • Great analytical, problem-solving and communication skills
  • Some experience or a real interest in finance, investment processes, and/or an ability to translate business problems into technical solutions.
  • For VP Level: In addition to the above, a VP level candidate should have experience leading development teams, projects or being responsible for the design and technical quality of a significant application, system, or component. Ability to form positive relationships with partnering teams, sponsors, and user groups.

Nice to have and opportunities to learn:

  • Exposure to building microservices and APIs ideally with REST, Kafka or gRPC.
  • Experience working in an agile development team or on open-source development projects.
  • Experience with optimization, algorithms or related quantitative processes.
  • Exposure to high scale distributed technology like Kafka, Mongo, Ignite, Redis
  • Experience with Cloud platforms like Microsoft Azure, AWS, Google Cloud
  • Experience with DevOps and tools like Azure DevOps
  • Experience with AI-related projects/products or experience working in an AI research environment.
  • A degree, certifications or opensource track record that shows you have a mastery of software engineering principles.

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Contact our TA to know more about the job

Payal Kapoor

Talent Advocate at WhiteCrow

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