Head of Sales, New Business Solution

Metro Manila Philippines

7 days ago

Years of Experience

8 - 15 years

Workplace Type


Seniority Type



Mechanical Or Industrial Engineering

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People ManagementContract ManagementBusiness PlanningCustomer LoyaltyMarketingCustomer Relationship Management

Contact our TA to know more about the job

Rashi Modi

Talent Advocate at WhiteCrow


About our client

Our client is an international European MNC that has a strong global presence and a market leader in engineering innovation and digitalization. 

Job description


Customer relationship management:

  • Accountable for developing company position and customer base in the market 
  • Drives proactive engagement and solution selling with different customer segments showing value over the lifecycle 
  • Ensures development of customer relationships, profitability, customer loyalty and satisfaction. 
  • Approves and follows up customer plans for strategic and core 1 in his/her area 
  • Selects/appoints team members to manage the strategic / core 1 customer relationships 
  • Identifies and builds relationships to key decision makers, potential new targets and influencers 
  • Promotes and demonstrates the value of company digital offering 

plan sales, manage pricing and offering: 

  • Responsible for Regional and Individual Sales Plans (ISPs) for his/her team
  • Participates in market and customer analysis to ensure quality of sales planning
  • Participates in pricing and offering management in order to drive market pricing and profitability
  • Balance order received growth and profitability by managing discounts
  • Responsible for gathering relevant information about competitors and market from the field
  • Responsible for identifying opportunities for cross-selling of all company solutions

Manage Sales Funnel :

  • Accountable for leading the Sell process including CRM data quality of contacts, customers, influencers, opportunity management, and won and lost reporting
  • Accountable for ensuring results within orders, contracts, profitability and market price development
  • Sets sales targets according to market potential and FL unit guidelines
  • Gives direction and focus on the right customers through proper customer analysis
  • Ensures the correct value propositions by his/her team
  • Drives sales result from his/her team on short and long term 
  • Executes and advises pricing guidelines for his/her area
  • Approves tenders and orders above salespersons’ limits
  • Utilizes global processes and tools for local benefit

Sales acumen: 

  • understands selling cycle, customer’s purchasing strategies, selling, negotiating, reporting and funnel management. 
  • Understands business planning and controlling and change management
  • Demonstrates service mindset 

Digital assertiveness: 

  • comfortable and excited about the opportunities digital solutions

Comfortable with numbers: 

  • leads performance by facts and numbers, relies on sales tools and analytics and understands the financial benefit we bring to the customer and is able to
  • capture a part of the value through smart pricing approach Customer Relationship Management 

Leadership / People management:

  • Leads the sales team (Salespersons, Sales Specialists) to be proactive with customers, to use company solution selling methodology and to communicate the value of company solutions to customers’ own performance
  • Coaches the team members to achieve better results through constant one to one dialogues and sharing of best practices
  • Manages the performance of the team
  • Ensures adequate resources to achieve the short and long term targets Develops the competences of the sales team
  • Motivates & inspires the team & individual to high performance 
  • Ensures great onboarding experience for new employees in the team 
  • Responsible for succession planning for his/ her team 


  • Bachelor or Master’s degree in economics, engineering or other relevant field.
  • Experience/ understanding of business-to-business sales
  • Experience in sales / sales management
  • Minimum 8 year experience in people leadership and management
  • Basic digital skills and mindset

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Contact our TA to know more about the job

Rashi Modi

Talent Advocate at WhiteCrow

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