EHS Manager

Batangas Philippines

3 months ago

Years of Experience

10 - 20 years

Workplace Type


Seniority Type



Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing

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Environmental RegulationsCommunication SkillsTraining DevelopmentReportingData AnalysisProject Management

Contact our TA to know more about the job

Vicky Panchal

Talent Advocate at WhiteCrow


About our client

For more than 80 years, our client’s engineers and product specialists have partnered with customers to produce highly engineered connectivity and sensing solutions that make a connected world possible. Their focus on reliability, durability, and sustainability exemplifies their commitment to progress. The unmatched range of their product portfolio enables companies, large and small, to turn ideas into technology that can transform how the world works and lives tomorrow.

Job description


  • Reports to EHS site Manager and Construction Project Manager all EHS related issues, concerns, improvements with a goal on achieving leading indicators and ZERO Recordable Incident Rate.
  • Ensure EHS compliance to all legal and other requirements associated with regulatory, local and other requirements.
  • Facilitates risk assessment to identify critical safety or health hazards and environmental aspects per company standard/spec and local regulatory standards.
  • Works with Project Management Team and Contractor’s leadership team to create targets and objectives based on key EHS risks.
  • Verify the EHS plan from Project Management company (PM), and work with PM to validate EHS plan from general contractor (GC).
  • Manages and directs construction site in achieving EHS targets & objectives.
  • Involve in design review and make sure safety lesson learned are considered in new building design.
  • Pro-actively drives and promotes EHS culture throughout the construction site, e.g. by driving leading indicators.
  • Ensure zero tolerance culture is developed, recognition plan and discipline actions are in place and effective, and discipline actions well followed for unsafety behavior at construction site.
  • Drive construction EHS through close coordination with management team, safety leaders and EHS officers of company project management team, PM, GC, subcontractor per their scope of work, EHS plan, etc.
  • Organize regular EHS performance review to PM and GC EHS leaders per SOW and EHS plan, provide in time feedback to company project management team and leaders of PM and GC.
  • Report all EH&S data and information as required by company. Use established EHS data processes such as Velocity to manage data such as injuries and illnesses, environmental metrics, risk assessments, EHS action items and other pertinent information.
  • Working with Construction project management team to develop management of change program at construction site.
  • For example, design change may trigger additional actions for safety, or to monitor and follow EHS law and regulatory revisions and report to EHS manager and Project Manager for actions required.
  • Training shall be delivered to leaders of project team, PM and GC about related safety alerts, new specifications and requirement from company, etc.
  • Work with site EHS leader and Construction Project Manager to prepare, submit and disseminate information in compliance with regulatory agencies in order to ensure timely submittals.
  • Work with Project and Construction Management team to ensure that all key EHS operational controls are in place and that EHS action items are resolved on a timely basis.
  • Strict Supervision of all contractor activities with PM in order to ensure compliance with EHS Work Permit.
  • Ensure emergency preparedness is in place, e.g. Construction Emergency Response Team ready to deploy in the events of fire, earthquake and strong typhoon.


  • College degree, major in Environmental, Safety, Chemical, Electrical, Mechanical, Civil Engineering or relevant.
  • 5 years minimum as manager or can consider 10 years as safety supervisor / senior engineer.
  • Actual experience as Safety Officer or Pollution Control Officer role is an advantage.
  • Experience in working with multinational company local or in abroad.
  • Comfortable to Speak and write English to all level of organization.
  • Demonstrated ability in conducting EH&S audits and inspections.

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Vicky Panchal

Talent Advocate at WhiteCrow

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