DevOps Engineer

Stuttgart Germany

6 months ago

Years of Experience

5 - 10 years

Workplace Type


Seniority Type



Information Technology and Services

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AzureCloud ApplicationsDevopsAzure DevOpsDisaster Recovery

Contact our TA to know more about the job

Erin Swain

Talent Advocate at WhiteCrow


About our client

Our Client operates in the Information Services Industry, with its headquarters rooted strongly in the Netherlands. It has its branches spread to more than 40 countries. They fall in the Top 10 Dutch Companies. Their core business is to provide expert solutions that combine deep domain knowledge with specialized technology and services to its clients. The company serves various markets like legal, risk, compliance, accounting, finance, etc.

Job description


  • You can work full-time in your field of “Cloud Operations” - from scripting to strategy - and represent our department internally in training courses and international communities of practice and optionally also externally in lectures.
  • As a DevOps Engineer (m/f/d) you will also work closely with product managers, product owners, system architects and other roles to support the development goals in the individual applications on the platform.
  • With us, you will take responsibility for the automation of all aspects of configuration, monitoring and deployment of our cloud applications
  • The support of the operation of our Azure IaaS and PaaS production and development systems is part of your varied area of ​​responsibility
  • You work in the local DevOps team and are a competent contact for developers, product owners and the global IT functions (e.g. Business Continuity Management and Information Security)
  • International coordination of experiences and best practices with Enterprise Architects in the Group


  • Several years of experience with Microsoft Azure, ideally in a hybrid IaaS/PaaS solution
  • Very good knowledge of professional and technical issues of provisioning and operation (ITIL, IaC etc.)
  • Passion for automating the entire software lifecycle
  • Solid knowledge of Powershell or bash, Linux-based operating systems, networks, security and protocols
  • Infrastructure as Code with Ansible, ARM, Bicep or terraform/terragrunt and Azure DevOps CI/CD
  • High availability and disaster recovery of various Azure-based services
  • Ideally experience in hosting PostgreSQL

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Contact our TA to know more about the job

Erin Swain

Talent Advocate at WhiteCrow

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