Customer Account Manager

Arlington United States

4 months ago

Years of Experience

3 - 5 years

Workplace Type


Seniority Type




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Account ManagementCustomer Relationship ManagementCost ManagementCustomer ServiceSalesInventory ManagementCustomer Feedback

Contact our TA to know more about the job

Alissa Ciampanelli

Talent Advocate at WhiteCrow


About our client

Our client is a global leader in airline catering, retail-on-board and hospitality products and services. They provide passengers with superior culinary and retail experiences, leveraging innovation and advanced technology solutions.

They are headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland and deliver operational excellence through the most extensive catering network in the aviation industry, serving more than 700 million passengers annually from over 200 operating units in over 60 countries/territories across all continents with approximately 43,000 employees worldwide.

Job description


  • Agrees on performance expectations with the commercial team and works with GM/Unit staff to deliver against these expectations 
  • Approves (w/GM consent) specialty orders, uplifts, and responsible for invoice accuracy and timelines. 
  • Works closely with the production team in order to maintain a continuous knowledge of current specifications and customer expectations through routine audits.  
  • Ensures supply chain/purchasing has current up to date data and support purchasing requirements. 
  • Ensures that all processes and procedures related to specific flights are completed, quality standards are met, and additional revenue opportunities documented on invoice.  
  • Communicates the customer goals and represents the customer interests to the local GGI team.  
  • Strong understanding of unit capabilities and services, and effectively communicates all offerings to the client w/GM approval.  
  • Reports to the GM and or Account Director, providing regular input on all account activity, including service status and call reports on a weekly basis.  
  • Provides coordination between customer and GGI on special events such as Menu Presentation (scheduling, transportation, security, specs available, tent cards, tasting equipment, unit tours, beverages, etc.). 
  • Owner of T-minus schedule to facilitate changes and bringing all departments together for success. 
  • Maintains a professional appearance at all times. Treats the customer with dignity and respect. 


Internal & External Communication: 

  • Daily reconciliation of delays and communications need activities as required. 
  • Communicates daily to the GG operations team of any spec changes, performance issues, call backs, inspections, etc from previous day. Drives root cause analysis.  
  • Weekly recaps of delays vs. targets, FAC’s, and Update with customer on weekly basis and local station management. SR (Shared Responsibility) 
  • Ensures that customer issues are dealt with in an efficient manner, informing the General Manager and Commercial leader (PAM. Local Director) of any problems that may arise.  
  • Weekly inventory status checks. SR  
  • Provides regular two-way communication between the client and local GGI, to provide strong team representation and set proper client expectations.  


Inventory Management:

  • Ensures customer inventory sheet to be current and up to date par levels. 
  • Manages inventory process taken accurately and on time. Results reviewed before submission to the customer. Communicate to the customer when par levels need to change. SR 
  • Provides customer feedback to help customer reduce costs through inventory management. 
  • Warehouse space, issue here is to not be a warehouse for obsolete or excessive inventory. SR 
  • Ensures that Customs requirements, GGI Bonded policy and local Agriculture (compliance agreement) are implemented. SR 



  • Assists internal department on quality/compliance through weekly specification checks and audits (chef tables, packing diagrams, CCP’s, VSIE process, safety).  
  • Compares FACs against goals.  
  • Ownership of CSI and drives the process as outlined in GG policy and procedures. 


Cost Management:

  • Conducts weekly documented billing checks to ensure items billed. 
  • Reviews monthly service order to ensure all service items captured and aligned with CXP and Sales force. 



  • Manages to a customer-specific set of KPI’s – reports on this performance to the commercial team, agrees performance targets to these KPI’s (e.g., delays, complaints, audit results) with Commercial VP and GM 
  • Annual (or quarterly) customer feedback survey on each aspect of the role – communication, inventory management, Quality cost management/invoice accuracy, and customer service orientation (does the customer view this role as representing their interests in the unit) SR 




  • High School Diploma or GED required  
  • Associates degree or degree from a 4 year university or college is preferred 


Work Experience: 

  • Proven Account Management skills required in order to create, maintain, and enhance customer relationships  
  • Minimum of 3 years of account/project management experience.  


Technical Skills: (Certification, Licenses and Registration) 

  • Extremely detail oriented  
  • Technical and analytical competence (understands software, hardware, networks, etc.) 
  • Motivated, goal oriented, and persistent  
  • High level of initiative and works well in a fast paced, team environment 
  • Handles stressful situations and deadline pressures well  
  • Plans and carries out responsibilities with minimal direction  
  • Full knowledge of any customer specific requirements in Service Agreement and delivers as listed below: 
  • Delta Airlines: Full knowledge of IFX system; Owner of change notice distribution list; understands the unit performance grading system; ensures the AC Damage reporting process is followed; full knowledge of Delta build tool.  
  • United Airlines: Full knowledge of Unimatic (aircraft operation); Full knowledge of IBSOPS (meal board location); Ensures PSS (passenger counts) is used for forecasting; Ensures AirServ/AirVision is used for flight finalization; Ensures Sky Net is used for packaging/general requirements; Full knowledge on the use of Igaps (real flight info) 
  • American Airlines: Understands AA evaluation and evaluation definitions; Full knowledge of AMOS & Sabre systems; Ensures food/equipment inventories in AirVision; Ensures equipment distribution is updated in AirVision; Ensures monthly IUR is documented in AirVision; understands the PMP process.  
  • British Airlines: Knowledgeble/Ensures BA IFX tools are used in operation; Maintains chronological telex and bulletin information; Analysis TCS and BBSC sheets for BA performance; Full knowledge of AirServe and train staff on the use; Owner of TP006 accuracy for each scheduled change 
  • Virgin Airlines: Take weekly photos of menu items and submit them to Virgin; Monthly review of TP006 and distribute the flight information; Must have full knowledge of Skylogistix; Must have full working knowledge of AirServ.  


Language / Communication Skills: 

  • Excellent written and oral communication skills  
  • Bilingual is a plus.  

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Contact our TA to know more about the job

Alissa Ciampanelli

Talent Advocate at WhiteCrow

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