What is WhiteCrow Talent Scorer and how is it useful?

What is a WhiteCrow Talent Scorer?

What is a WhiteCrow Talent Scorer?

The AI Talent scorer evaluates multiple factors, including work experience, skills, salary, job title, and academic background, to determine the candidate’s suitability for the job. It then matches the candidate’s profile against the mandatory and preferred skills set by the recruiter. Additionally, the system identifies related skills and fine-tunes the AI algorithm to improve accuracy and generate better results.

Also, check out 7 Details To Include In Your Job Posting here.

How does WhiteCrow Talent Scorer help recruiters?

How does WhiteCrow Talent Scorer help recruiters?

Our AI Talent scorer aids recruiters in quickly identifying suitable candidates from a vast number of job applications, resulting in significant time and efficiency gains. By automating the initial screening process, recruiters can focus their attention on the most promising candidates, leading to a more efficient and effective hiring process.

Know how to Land Your Dream Job in 7 Steps here.

How does a WhiteCrow Talent Scorer classify candidates?

  1. Ideal Fit: A candidate who fulfills all the mandatory job requirements and possesses all the necessary skills, making them the perfect fit for the position
  2. Good Fit: A candidate who fulfills a significant portion of the job requirements and possesses several essential skills, making them a suitable fit for the position.
  3. Fair Fit: A candidate who possesses some of the job requirements, and skills and can be a good fit. We recommend the recruiters get in touch with such candidates for further confirmation.

Criteria used by WhiteCrow Talent Scorer to match candidates with Job Requirements

Criteria used by WhiteCrow Talent Scorer to match candidates with Job Requirements

  1. Mandatory Skills: These are the skills identified by the recruiter as necessary for the job, which the candidate must possess.
  2. Preferred Skills: The system identifies additional skills added by a recruiter that is preferred for the job and matches them with the candidate’s profile.
  3. Similar Skills: The AI scorer generates a list of skills that are relevant and closely aligned with both the mandatory and preferred skills to determine the candidate’s suitability for the job
  4. Screening Questions & Ideal Responses: When job candidates submit their applications, the system automatically reads and assesses their responses. It then identifies the candidates whose answers align with all of the desired qualifications and highlights them for further consideration.

Reach us at employer@whitecrow.co  in case you have any questions!


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