Product Specialist/Medical Representative (surgical portfolio)

Singapore Singapore

2 months ago

Years of Experience

3 - 4 years

Workplace Type


Seniority Type




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Product SpecialistProduct PortfolioSurgicalTerritorial ManagementMedical Devices

Contact our TA to know more about the job

Gurleen Chopra

Talent Advocate at WhiteCrow


About our client

Our Client operates in the Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industry, with its headquarters rooted strongly in Singapore. It has its branches spread to more than 5 countries, providing employment to 250 people. Their core business is to represent their client in countries that they do not operate in, and market/sell their products for them. They have achieved a wide client base in a very short time, and are looking for new talent.

Job description


  • To do product detailing to healthcare professionals in ethical sales channel
  • To achieve call frequency targets and consistently achieve top line sales targets in the assigned territory(ies).
  • To communicate with customer accounts regarding a variety of topics, including product updates, product portfolio, and educational programs
  • To cross-sell additional products or manage new product introductions as they become available
  • To collect competitive data and remain current on industry, customer, and competitive trend
  • To work with the sales and marketing team by receiving coaching, training or mentoring; transfer knowledge to peer Sales Representatives and to Sales Associates when needed.
  • To act as a sales lead and help provide guidance to fellow product specialists
  • Represent company at medical events, symposium or conferences to promote company products during weekdays/ weekends when required
  • To conduct or assist to conduct online meetings and digital engagements such as Webinar/Virtual discussions/e-detailing 
  • Has experience working with hospitals groups and/or group practises will be a clear advantage.


  • Degree/Diploma with min 2 years relevant selling experience within the pharmaceutical in Singapore
  • Experience working with Govt Hospitals, Specialists and Group Practise.
  • Good presentation and territorial management skills.
  • Proficient in Microsoft office and Microsoft Teams/Zoom.
  • Strong in interpersonal, communication and influencing skills
  • Able to work independently with minimum supervision

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Contact our TA to know more about the job

Gurleen Chopra

Talent Advocate at WhiteCrow

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