Data Engineer

Bucharest Romania

4 months ago

Years of Experience

1 - 3 years

Workplace Type


Seniority Type



Wine and Spirits

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AzureData ArchitecturePythonSQLData EngineerData Extraction

Contact our TA to know more about the job

John Fernandes

Talent Advocate at WhiteCrow


About our client

Our client is the leading developer and marketer of premium beer and cider brands. The Group has a portfolio of more than 300 international, regional, local and speciality beers and ciders. They are committed to innovation, long-term brand investment, disciplined sales execution and focused cost management.

They have a well-balanced geographic footprint with leadership positions in both developed and developing markets. Additionally, they have employed over 80,000 employees and operate breweries, malteries, cider plants and other production facilities in more than 70 countries.

Job description


  • Create automations that take data through the ETL (extract, transform, load) process, both for normal reporting and advanced analytics models
  • Create and maintain Azure Pipelines that ensure the transfer of data between different uses
  • Management of internal databases
  • Profiling Azure data sets
  • Data modeling using Azure platform tools
  • Building data architecture in Azure
  • Working with SQL databases for data extraction
  • Using Power BI to expose data to end users
  • Creating reports in Power BI according to business needs
  • Supporting the business in their processes
  • Collecting information and ensuring its accuracy


  • English language - advanced level
  • PC operating knowledge (MS Office) - advanced level
  • Anticipation, planning and strategic thinking skills
  • Analysis and synthesis skills
  • Good at connecting and communicating with business to understand their needs and integrate in the solutions provided
  • Growth mindset and willing to develop
  • Azure DevOps Advanced
  • Advanced SQL
  • Power BI notes (nice to have)
  • Python for Data Science (desirable)
  • Statistics notes (nice to have)

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Contact our TA to know more about the job

John Fernandes

Talent Advocate at WhiteCrow

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